Elsa Scott

greenwashing includes putting eco on plastic cups

What is Greenwashing?

Contents: Key Takeaways What is Greenwashing?  The Evolution of Corporate Greenwashing Why Do Companies Greenwash?  How Best Bees…

An overwintering beehive covered in snow sits in a snowy yard next to a frozen pond

Beekeeping Tips & Tricks: Overwintering

Contents: What is Overwintering? What are Overwintering Rates? How Do Bees Prepare for Winter? What Do Bees Do…

Beehives in a pollinator garden

The Best Bees Checklist for a Pollinator Garden

Contents: What is a Pollinator Garden? Why are Pollinator Gardens important? Do Pollinator Gardens have to be a…

Propolis on the edge of a frame in the sun

Propolis and its Incredible Properties, Benefits, and Uses: In and Outside the Hive

Contents: What Is Propolis? How Do Bees Make Propolis? What Do Bees Use Propolis For? What Are the…

A bee swarm in a tree

All About a Honey Bee Swarm: Everything You Need To Know

Contents: What is a Bee Swarm? What Causes a Bee Swarm? When do Bees Usually Swarm? What is…

The New Hive Mind: Bees in office buildings

Northeastern co-op student learns the ‘fascinating’ ways of urban beekeeping

Honey bees are both an indicator species and a keystone species; pictured here is a honey bee pollinating a cherry blossom

Indicator Species and Keystone Species Explained: Honey Bees and 18 Other Examples

Contents: What is an Indicator Species? Characteristics of an Indicator Species What is a Keystone Species? Types of…

Corporate Social Responsibility can look like companies partnering with Environmental Services Providers, like The Best Bees Company, to aid them in sustainability initiatives.

What is Corporate Social Responsibility, and Why is it Important?

Contents: What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Key Takeaways History of Corporate Social Responsibility Categories of Corporate Social Responsibility…

Habitat restoration area designated by a sign

The Importance of Habitat Restoration and how Pollinator Programs Support It

Contents: What is Habitat Restoration? What is Habitat Loss? Historical Background of Habitat Restoration Why is Habitat Restoration…

Resources to Inspire and Support BIPOC Beekeepers

Contents: Video Resources Websites and Communities Articles, Interviews, and Essays Books about BIPOC Beekeeping History, Practices, Etc Books…

The City Bee

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