Elsa Scott

A honey bee has their stinger embedded in a finger, injecting bee venom into the wound

All About Bee Venom: Therapeutic Properties & 7 Uses in Medicine

Contents: What is Bee Venom?  What is Apitherapy?  History of Bee Venom in Apitherapy  The Therapeutic Properties of…

Beehives overwintering in a snowy field under a blue sky

Where Do Bees Go in the Winter?

Contents Where Do Bees Go in the Winter? What Do Bees Do in the Winter? What is the…

Red queen cups used in queen rearing

The Queen Rearing Program at Best Bees: Progress Over 4 Years

*Updated August 27th, 2024*   Contents: How Queen Rearing Works The Best Bees Company’s Queen Rearing Program 2021…

This infographic depicts a graph that shows the distinctions between commercial beekeeping and other types of beekeeping

What is Commercial Beekeeping?

Content: What is Commercial Beekeeping/Migratory Beekeeping? What is Non-Commercial Beekeeping? Urban Beekeeping Backyard Beekeeping History of Commercial Beekeeping…

Meet the urban bee lab, best bees’ affiliated nonprofit 1

Meet The Urban Bee Lab, Best Bees’ Affiliated Nonprofit

 Contents: What is the Urban Bee Lab (UBL)? The Origin Story of the Urban Bee Lab Past UBL…

The case for more flowers instead of less honey bees 2

The Case for More Flowers Instead of Less Honey Bees

Contents: History of #SaveTheBees #SaveTheBees Today: Are Honey Bees the Problem?  Biodiversity Role in Pollinator Health How Honey…

Sustainable design utilizes natural light to heat homes like this glass-walled home surrounded by native plants

5 Essential Sustainable Design Trends & Why Sustainable Design Matters

Contents: What is Sustainable Design?  Why is Sustainable Design Important?  The Origins of Sustainable Design The Seeds of…

Bees and weed, like the cannabis plant pictured here, do not have a plant-pollinator relationship

What’s the Buzz on Bees and Cannabis?

Contents: The Quick Answer About Bees and Weed Bees and Weed: Do Bees Get High?  How Does Foraging…

On the Horizon: A Booming eDNA Marketplace

These startups are using traces of DNA to spy on nature for good—and profit

Fast Company Magazine

This meeting room's biophilic design emphasizes lush greenery, natural materials like wood, and organic shapes and curves.

Biophilia and Biophilic Design: 10 Tips and 4 Inspiring Examples

Contents: Intro to Biophilia and Biophilic Design The History and Evidence of Biophilia History of Biophilic Design Key…

The tnfd and an innovative framework for reporting nature impact 3

The TNFD and an Innovative Framework for Reporting Nature Impact

Contents: What is the TNFD? What is the TNFD Developing? Why is the TNFD Developing the New Framework?…

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