Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

September 22, 2016

Mass College of Art, Boston, MA (Image via GreenRoofs.com)

Fall is here! In New England, that means it’s time for pumpkins, apples, cranberries, and other seasonal treats to bake into our favorite pies and muffins. As we look forward to cooler nights, warm sweaters, and hot cider, it’s important to remember who we have to thank for many of the foods we associate with this cozy time of year: bees. Bees are responsible for pollinating pumpkins, apples, and cranberries, which means that without them, we’d be missing these autumnal favorites.

With bees and other pollinator populations declining, scientists, beekeepers, and farmers alike are all asking the same question: why is this happening? At The Best Bees Company, we’re working with researchers, beekeepers, students, and anyone who wants to provide a home for bees to look for answers.

We aren’t the only ones, though. Tonight at 7:30pm, WCVB-TV’s Chronicle will be exploring this question. Local experts, including The Best Bees Company, will discuss what’s happening with the bees, and what scientists, beekeepers, and fans of fall foods can do to help.

So if you’ve already taken out your favorite sweater, begun to order pumpkin lattes, gone apple picking, or baked a tray of cranberry muffins, celebrate the equinox by tuning in to channel 5 at 7:30pm to learn about more about the insects that make your favorite season taste so good, and what we all can do to help them.

Checkout the link here for more information on Chronicle‘s website.

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