What Earth Day Means to a Beekeeper

April 22, 2020


On April 22nd, 2020, Earth Day will see 50 years of celebration during the anniversary of its establishment in 1970! A holiday that emerged during the rise of the American Environmental movement, essential environmental protections were being passed into law for the first time.

Here at Best Bees, we are celebrating Earth Day with our bee friends in mind. 

The earth needs bees, and the bees need a healthy earth!

As a beekeeper, Earth Day means advocating for positive changes to all constructed environments, be they urban, suburban, rural. From cities to farmland, prioritizing wide-reaching environmental sustainability will create a healthier habitat for humans by helping pollinators like bees, and their ecosystems.

Biodiversity and bee presence are highly interconnected; bees are responsible for pollinating many different species and thrive in biodiverse areas. Our Earth needs diverse and abundant plant species worldwide. We also need to regulate the amount of pesticides out there, a major thing to advocate for on Earth Day and any day!

The theme for Earth Day 2020: Climate Action

Climate change has widespread implications for humans and ecosystems overall; it is a worthy theme for this year, since as time passes it only becomes more vital that we address the crisis.

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Beekeeper activists, illustration by paige mulhern

What does climate change mean for the bees? 

In climates such as in North America, warm weather comes sooner each year, and bees are emerging earlier on, sooner than nectar sources are available. There is some hope that plants will adjust their spring schedules as well, but for now, we must keep our bees fed while they wait for nectar flow. Feed the bees— Make sure your garden has flowers that bloom early in the spring and late into the fall.

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Best bees beehives in a wildflower meadow.

To some extent, future climate change is already set in motion, but our actions will determine the severity moving forward. Individual actions are important and helpful, such as planting a diverse habitat on your property or using a renewable energy source. This Earth Day, we need to be bold with climate action on a societal level. 

Climate action is a worldwide sustainable development goal from the United Nations. There are also national grassroots movements in the United States such as the Sunrise Movement which has been a leading organization pushing the Green New Deal, an opportunity to create jobs and have a just transition to a clean energy future.

These initiatives and others like them are important to talk about and get involved with. If we address climate change and other environmental issues, we are addressing the threats to bees! 

Earth Day allows us to reflect on what we strive for in our work. Every day we concern ourselves with improving bee health. A great way to help us do this work is to get a best bees hive of your own, which we will fully service and use as a data source for a whole new ecosystem, your property! 

Happy Earth Day! Thank you for supporting The Best Bees Company!

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