Best Bees
SmartHive Technology

Add SmartHive Technology to your Best Bees beekeeping services with our 2024 Pilot Program.
Two smarthives sit next to each other in an apiary

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The First of Its Kind

SmartHive Technology is a combination of technology and biodiversity services; it's the first of its kind on the global market. A SmartHive consists of multiple parts working in tandem: 

  • The Base – This piece of technology sits under the wooden beehive and has multiple components used to collect data.
  • Sensors – There are multiple sensors throughout each hive, to capture acoustics, humidity, weight, temperature, and more.
  • Camera – The camera is installed at the front entrance of the hive to record activity in real-time.
  • Remote Hub – This on-site hub connects to our software via WIFI.

Read more: The Boston Globe's feature article on our SmartHive Technology

A smarthive base

Benefits of SmartHives

60% estimated increase in colony survival

Advanced data & reporting

Improving bee health

Non-chemical, thermal varroa mite treatment

Increased beekeeping efficiencies

A beekeeper holds an ipad showing the dashboard of the smarthive software

Advanced Data with Artificial Intelligence

A key component of the SmartHive software is its Artificial Intelligence programming.

One AI element uses facial recognition technology to distinguish each individual bee in order to track population growth and loss. 

Another AI element tracks the amount and color of pollen being brought into the hive. The variation of pollen color can give insight into the biodiversity of the bees' foraging area. 

Best Bees x Bee Futures: Our Partnership

We are launching an exclusive partnership with Norwegian and French company BeeFutures as the first US-based national beekeeping and biodiversity service provider to offer SmartHive technology.

BeeFutures is pioneering this technology and we are joining them on the cutting edge, bringing this innovative and revolutionary technology to the US market for the first time.

We have been vetting SmartHive technology from numerous vendors over the last five years. We selected BeeFutures as our collaborator because of the incredible robotics and AI software they have integrated into their SmartHive design.

BeeFutures has been developing this technology over the last eight years with the primary goal to eradicate the varroa mite (the top killer of honey bees), and a secondary goal to collect advanced biodiversity data. 

The varroa mite is a threat that has been devastating honey bee and native bee populations for the last 50 years. Eradicating them from honey bee hives will dramatically improve the health of all bees.

Bees fly into the entrance of the smarthive
Corporate beekeeping urban beekeeper kneels in front of a smarthive

Join Our Pilot Program Now

Available in the following cities:

  • Boston
  • Denver
  • Seattle
  • San Francisco
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