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LIVE WEBINAR: September 29th, 2023 at 12:00 pm, EST

Best Bees & the UBL: Our Shared Mission to Improve Pollinator Health

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A beekeeper holds an iPad screen showing multiple data graphs

The Urban Bee Lab (UBL) is The Best Bees Company's sister 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Best Bees and the UBL share a key, double-sided vision:

  1. Improve honey bee health and extend those approaches to other, lesser studied species of pollinators in order to protect and promote global pollinator health overall.
  2. Educate, inspire, and build a community of pollinator champions through research, programs, and partnerships.

Noah Wilson-Rich, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of Best Bees, and Kat Bentley, Director of the UBL, come together in this webinar to discuss the story of Best Bees and the UBL, how we work together to advance our shared mission, and our goals and plans for the future.




What You Will Learn

  • The UBL's projects during its early years and what Kat is working on today
  • How the UBL and Best Bees share data to advance to our shared mission
  • How we aim to inspire, educate, and encourage the next generation of pollinator champions
  • What Noah and Kat envision for the future of Best Bees and the UBL

The Speakers

Headshot of Noah Wilson-Rich on a red background

Noah Wilson-Rich (he/him)

The Best Bees Company CEO and Chief Scientific Officer

Kat headshot, smiling

Katina Bentley (she/her)

Director of the Urban Bee Lab

About The Best Bees Company

The Best Bees Company installs and maintains honeybee hives on commercial and residential properties in urban centers across the US. Our mission is to improve bee health and expand the bee population. Since 2010, we’ve made a tangible, positive impact on the environment, one beehive at a time.

Our beekeeping methodology controls for variability, ensuring the data we collect on each beehive is suitable for rigorous research. Our clientele includes corporations that want to activate sustainability in their business model, individuals who want to reinvigorate their local ecosystem from their own backyard, and property owners who want a turnkey way to put underutilized space to work for the greater good. 

Beekeeper opens a rooftop hive and uses smoker
HoneyDNA map

About the Urban Bee Lab

The Urban Bee Lab is a 501(c)(3) non-profit on a mission to improve bee health. In partnership with The Best Bees Company, the UBL analyzes beehive data and reports results to elucidate trends and advance our understanding of global pollinator health.

We aim to conduct cutting-edge research to stabilize honeybee health, and then extend those approaches to other, lesser studied species of pollinators in order to promote and preserve biodiversity at corporate, residential, and government sites, and beyond. 

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