Noah Wilson-Rich, Ph.D.
Carbon Sequestration Feb 2022
We are now meeting with various companies in the carbon research community to better understand their carbon goals….
Smart Hive Winter 2022
Researching different device options that are available across the world and what the key differences and similarities are….
They Keep Bees Advisory Board 6
My dear colleague Kimberly Lewis said yes to being our DEI consultant for Queen School! Kim and I…
UBL Jan 22
Launched the UBL Foundation Grant Program
Smart Hive Winter 2022
Received our US patent for our first SmartHive design that we started in 2015. A big day for…
UBL Jan 2022
Launched the new UBL website – including values.
They Keep Bees Advisory Board 5
Attended another one of Ang’s incredible presentations to the Boston Area Beekeepers Association, where they shared plans for…
They Keep Bees Advisory Board 4
I reviewed the proposed budget for Ang, Bi, and Sam’s Regenerative Queen Rearing School, as part of their…
They Keep Bees Advisory Board 3
I loved reviewing the syllabus and curriculum for next summer’s school course in Regenerative Queen Rearing School as…
State of the Bee Report 2021
Research & Development and Marketing teamed up to deliver our very first State of the Honeybee Report!
Research Team July 21
We hired a new addition to our in-house research team: Ronald Thompson III! Ronnie is a skilled beekeeper,…