Bridgette Whalen

May 28, 2023

Our May 28th (third) graft failed. There was a mated queen inside the cell raiser and she destroyed…

May 18, 2023

We went and checked on the queens and added 12 more cells from the second graft to the…

May 8, 2023 part 2

Emily and I also both conducted another graft today, and we each had 80% take!

May 8, 2023

Today, we took the cups that are developing and put them into the incubator. Then we drove to…

April 30, 2023

After 48 hours, we had 28 takes → 73%, great outcome for our first real graft. We left…

April 28, 2023

Since our first practice graft on April 3rd, we’ve been conducting practice grafts every Monday and Friday. Today…

April 3, 2023

We do their first practice graft! Practice grafts don’t go to mate – actually, here let’s take a…

February 2023

Emily and I sit down with Nate Reid, our Head Beekeeper at the time, and Caitlin Duennebiar, our…

January 2023

Emily and I come up with a queen rearing plan for Boston; I proposed a queen rearing schedule…

Late Dec 2022

Emily and I start talking about queen rearing in Boston because I took the They Keep Bees queen…

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