Book Noah To Speak at Your Next Event

Noah Wilson-Rich, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Behavioral Ecologist, and MIT Research Affiliate

Noah on tedxptown stage

As a behavioral ecologist with a Ph.D. in bee health, author of The Bee: A Natural History (Princeton University Press), and MIT Media Lab Research Affiliate, Noah actively collaborates with researchers at Harvard University, Boston University, National Geographic, NASA and other renowned institutions.

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Best-Fit Audiences

Bees are buzzworthy. Professional audiences comprised of business practitioners, non-profit leaders, policy wonks, and scientific researchers alike always walk away from a presentation about the wonder of bees with a memorable new insight about our world.

Here are a few sample topics to consider for your next event:

What Bees Teach Us About Leadership, Governance, and DemocracyCitizen Science: How to Help Save the Bees One Hive at a TimeHow Beehives Improve Human Health

Not Your Average Bee Guy

From big-stage impact to small-screen intimacy, Noah's humility and earnestness always touch an audience.


Hungry for Data?

With years of experience in academic and applied research, Noah can bring the data—and explain it effectively to a non-scientific audience. 

(He can even deliver original insights specific to the location of your event!)

The Buzz about Bees

Noah and The Best Bees Company are regularly featured in national news outlets.

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