Christy Erickson

Save the bees: what can be done? 1

Save the Bees: What Can be Done?

Past entries of both the Best Bees blog and the Urban Beekeeping Laboratory blog have focused on specific…

Bees and agriculture: a critical symbiotic relationship 2

Bees and Agriculture: A Critical Symbiotic Relationship

Strawberries, apples, watermelon: we get these wonderful fruits, and nearly 70 other delicious foods and countless resources, through the help of bees. Believe it or not, these tiny animals are a huge influence on our food supply. However, too many bees are disappearing and with fewer bees, the impact on our food supply could be devastating.

Why should protecting bees be a top conservation priority? 3

Why Should Protecting Bees be a Top Conservation Priority?

You’ve probably heard that bees are among the most important creatures and that their extinction would be catastrophic to the global economy, ecology, and food production. Why, exactly, is this the case, and what can you do to help protect these vital workers?

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